FlyRoute Operations
This week, Week 10 of the football season, FlyRoute Colorado and Nashville locations will be supporting 52 high school football events with 66 drone pilots.

Being the last week of the football regular season, many of our teams have their sights set on excelling through the playoffs. The football playoff tournament brackets are posted this upcoming weekend, Saturday November 2nd, and the weekly games consist of second round, quarterfinals, semifinals, and the championship. Championships games are scheduled for the Saturday, December 7th.
FlyRoute Operating in Restricted Airspace

Veteran FlyRoute pilots, Joshua Pacheco and Joe Schreiner, navigate complex operations during their football game last Friday September 25th at Elizabeth Kennedy Stadium, located at Broomfield High School. The Varsity football game matchup was Riverdale Ridge High School (7-0) against Broomfield High School (7-1).

Due to the flight location being in close proximity to Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport (KBJC), FlyRoute pilots, Joshua and Joe, were unable to use the typical FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) airspace authorization method, LAANC (Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability). The LAANC process allows remote pilots to instantly gain airspace authorization in pre-selected areas via their mobile device, with applications such as Aloft Air Control. Because the FlyRoute selected area of operation was within a zero flight grid, as depicted above, additional steps need to be taken in order to legally fly.

Instead of utilizing LAANC, both FlyRoute drone pilots were able to operate under FlyRoute's FAA Certificate of Authorization, COA for short. COA requests must be submitted to the FAA at least 60 days prior to the date of operation, and after a formal review by the FAA, allows Part 107 licensed drone operators the ability to operate in the restricted airspace. A formal submissions includes specific details about the operation, flight altitude requested, risk considerations, and safety mitigations. Unless otherwise requested, COA approvals are typically effective for one calendar year.
The COA operations authorized for FlyRoute pilots for Elizabeth Kennedy Stadium permits a maximum flight altitude of 75 feet AGL (above ground level). In addition to the altitude restriction, both drone operators were required to contact the local KBJC air traffic control tower manager to notify them of the drone flight operations.

Thanks to the diligent work of the FlyRoute operations team and remote pilots, the game was filmed safely and legally.
FlyRoute Drone Photo of the Week

Welcome to FlyRoute "Drone Photo of the Week". The DPOTW is a contest spotlighting the incredible skills of our talented drone pilots. Each week, one outstanding aerial shot captured by a FlyRoute pilot will be featured across our social media platforms and website. Whether it's a breathtaking sports moment or a stunning landscape of the stadium environment, we want to showcase the creativity and expertise of our team. The winning photo will be selected based on originality, composition, and overall visual impact. Stay tuned to see the most impressive perspectives from the sky, as we celebrate the art of drone photography!
Congratulations on the feature, Ben Allman! Epic sunset shot of the stadium!
Check back periodically at www.FlyRoute.com for the latest news, pilot spotlight interviews, and industry updates. For any comments or news tips, feel free to reach us at ops@flyroute.com.